Current Chief priest - 504-261-8869

Acharya Sivamoorthy has served with great dedication as one of our temple priests since 2011. He hails from a strong priest ancestry or Acharya parampara in Palghat city, Kerala. He trained in Sivagama from Viswesara Veda Agama Patasala. He has knowledge of Indian Astronomy and experience in temple pujas and other customary Hindu religious services. He can speak and communicate in Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and English.
Aacharya Gnanasakthi -504-409-9905

Aacharya Gnanasakthidharan has been serving in our temple Since 2022. He Hails from Coimbaore, Tamilnadu India. He has extensive training in Sivagama and Vedhas from Sri Skandaguru Vidyalyam and Sri Kanchi Maha Swamigal Sadapthi Vedha Padasala, Madurai, Tamilnadu. He also proudly holds the title of “SIVAGAMABHASKARA” from this Padasala, which signifiies that he has undergone rigorous training for 5 years in Aagamas and Shastras from this institution. He has conducted and participated in several Kumbabhishegams and well versed in all Poojas, Yagnas and different types of religious and cultural ceremonies / services. He can speak and communicate fluently in English and Tamil
Siva Achaarya Thangam Bhattar Priest Emeritus

Siva Achaarya Thangam Bhattar is one of the world’s renowned Siva Achaaryas. He was at Meenakshi Temple, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India as the Chief priest for many years. He has been at SVVS temple, Kenner, LA since inception of the temple in 1994. He served as an officiating priest to conduct Kumbhabishekams in several Temples in India, USA and many other countries. He is a recipient of numerous awards, including Hindu of the Year in 2018.